Food Additive

  • Resistant Dextrin
Resistant Dextrin

Resistant Dextrin

  • Color: white to light yellow
  • Form: powder
  • CAS No.: 9004-53-9
  • Product description: Resistant Dextrin

Non-GMO natural corn starch, when heated under the condition of acidic condition, decomposed and gained low molecular soluble dextran (2000 dal)., also known as resistant dextrin. Resistant dextrin is white powdered product, easily soluble in water, transparent water solution, lightly sweet, convenient processing, do not affect the original flavor and high stability, can be used in all kinds of food. Japan Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) authorized resistant dextrin as the specific health food materials (FOSHU). Confirmed by numerous scientific studies with excellent physiological functions, and can promote mineral absorption. In Japan, resistant dextrin is the source of dietary fiber in almost all food and health products, and has been widely used in many famous health products and food of world.
1. Improve bowel movements to prevent constipation;
2. Inhibition of postprandial blood glucose rise;
3. Improve lipid metabolism;
4. Promote mineral absorption.
5. Increase fiber content
6. Reducing sugar and calories
7. Help to promote digestive tract health
8. Probiotic properties
9. Low blood glucose response
10. Improve calcium absorption, thereby supporting bone health
11. Reduces insulin response
12. Increased sensation of satiety
1. Baked Goods
2. Cereals
3. Snack foods
4. Confections
5. Sauces, gravies and dressings
6. Beverages
7. Dairy products
8. Dietary supplements
9. Frozen dairy desserts

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